5 Best practices to maintain employee satisfaction

5 best practices to maintain employee satisfaction

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To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.

Employee satisfaction is a broad term that is used to describe how satisfied employees are with their jobs. It measures employee perceptions of whether their desires are being met in the workplace. Employee satisfaction and engagement must not be confused with each other. Read our upcoming articles to learn more about these differences.  

It is important to keep employees satisfied. Satisfied employees are happy with their roles in the organization and would go the extra mile. Research shows that unsatisfied employees on the other hand would put less effort into their responsibilities and wouldn’t suggest innovative ideas. Dissatisfied employees are also likely to leave the organizations and look for better opportunities. In extreme cases, dissatisfied employees could also go to the extent of sabotaging progress in the company.

1. What is meant by employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is affected by a broad range of factors. Employees need to feel respected within the organization, they need to be treated with respect, paid market wages, and recognized for their achievements. Employees expect opportunities for personal advancement, training, and positive communication with their managers. 

2. How are employees satisfied?

Employee satisfaction is affected by a broad range of factors. Employees need to feel respected within the organization, they need to be treated with respect, paid market wages, and recognized for their achievements. Employees expect opportunities for personal advancement, training, and positive communication with their managers. 

employee satisfaction
Employee satisfaction

3. What are 5 best practices for job satisfaction?

Below are the best practices that companies could adopt to improve the job satisfaction of their employees.

3.1. Take feedback from employees

Conduct an employee satisfaction survey to determine the current levels of employee satisfaction and highlight the areas of improvement. Workers could also provide suggestions on how employee satisfaction could be improved. 

3.2. Create a positive work environment

Work environments play a substantial role in how employees feel. A positive work environment keeps employees motivated. Positive work environments can be built through open communication, trust, and improving equal opportunities in the organizations

3.3. Improve communication across all levels

Communication must be improved at all groups of employees across the organization from employees, managers to leaders. Employees must be allowed to speak up and voice their concerns without worrying about retaliation from their superiors. 

3.4. Set up an employee recognition program

Employees must be recognized for their achievements so that they feel a sense of purpose. They must also be rewarded to show that the organization values their efforts. The rewards could range from gift cards to a public appreciation of the employee’s achievement

3.5. Reduce micromanagement and help with tight deadlines

Micromanagement by managers creates a stressful work environment and negative employee experience. Managers must empower workers with responsibilities and then hold them accountable for the task, rather than micromanaging specific details. Moreover, employees feel a significant amount of stress due to the need to adhere to tight time deadlines. Mental stress can be reduced by effectively distributing work in advance and managing deadlines in a collaborative manner. 

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