What is a cloud computing framework?


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When describing a cloud computing framework, the umbrella term  “framework” refers to anything from sets of development tools, middleware technology, or even database management software that helps with the administration, creation, and control of cloud applications.


Now considered an operating system pioneer, the cloud computing framework has been confidently braving the computing solution race in recent years. The total worth of the cloud storage market amounted to $371.4 billion by the end of 2020 and is predicted to reach $623.3 billion by as early as 2023.


Though what is cloud computing exactly? The cloud is cyberspace where you can perform daily tasks and projects, whether professional or personal, such as data storing, file sharing, networking, and scheduling. An open-cloud framework allows you to access anything from any device; all you need is an internet connection.

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1. What security does cloud computing have?

Cloud computing has become so popular and widespread that nowadays, we don’t even realize how much impact it has on our daily lives. In fact, the average person uses 36 different cloud-based services every single day – often without even realizing it. However, with so much insight into our internet presence, we must establish to what extent a cloud development service can provide us with a secure experience.


Cloud security is a compilation of regulations, policies, procedures, services, and solutions put into place to maintain utmost internet safety and prevent any threat to cloud computing frameworks. These preventative strategies are implemented at every stage of developing cloud applications – from designing and building to managing and configuring. Beyond a checklist of defensive protocols, cloud security is designed to promote cloud agility and strengthen business growth.


With cybercrime on the rise, 75% of enterprises using cloud computing services place cloud security as their top concern. After all, 94% of all workloads are compiled on cloud data centers.

1.1. What is a cloud adoption framework?

A cloud adoption framework is a strategy to help companies expedite their cloud migration or adoption process. For example, Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure includes a set of documents, guidelines, best practices, and implementation instructions that make it easy for companies to plan out their move to the cloud.

It is extremely important to use a secure operating system when inputting your data on the cloud. What measures do cloud computing services put in place to prevent dangerous internet crime from reaching your cloud?

1.2. Encrypting data

A must for organizations using multilayer cloud integration and highly important for businesses of all sizes, cloud data encryption ensures all data stored on the cloud is safely kept both when in use and at rest.

1.3. Monitoring data activity

Systems and services connected to your cloud computing framework need to be actively monitored at all times. Keeping track of data exchanges between different cloud services and logging data access will help maintain visibility and spot any extraordinary actions.

1.4. Defining data ownership

Many cloud services adopt a shared-responsibility model, where compliance and accountability for utmost security are divided between the cloud provider and the customer – the first takes care of the security of the cloud infrastructure, the latter for keeping data within the cloud. Within this security model, it is key to define data ownership between public and private third parties, so the customer can navigate it seamlessly.

2. What are the services of cloud computing?

There are three main types of cloud servers: public, private, and hybrid. Public clouds are available to anyone online for a fee, while private ones only provide their services to people with authorized access. Hybrid clouds are a combination of the two, merging the enterprise’s private cloud infrastructure with one or more public clouds to achieve particular business goals. There are also multi-clouds – servers navigating data across multiple public cloud services with different functions and features.


Within such varied cloud servers, there are three cloud computing services you can choose for your business depending on its needs and focus: SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.

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2.1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is the most common cloud service out of the three. Easy to use, it is used to access software applications through a web browser on a remote server and managed by a third-party provider. Service SaaS offers the perfect solution for cloud systems with minimal database management that do not require much service provider interaction. It is thus ideal for start-ups and smaller businesses, short-term projects, and quick launches of platforms that cannot handle server issues and development. Common examples of SaaS solutions are Microsoft Office 365, Google Suite, Slack, Dropbox, and Adobe Creative Cloud.

2.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a good choice for those who value quality, yet do not want to commit financially. Why so? With this cloud computing service, software developers have access to an already existing software environment where they can create a new app. Meticulous, time-consuming tasks such as coding or managing software updates are not the responsibility of the development team, giving them more time to focus on the creative aspects of software development. Examples of PaaS include Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, AWS Lambada, and IBM Cloud Foundry.

2.3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

The simplest out of the three, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) software lets businesses rent databases within the cloud. Rather than purchasing and managing their own infrastructure, organizations can still navigate all their data and applications on the cloud server to a full capacity – just without any long-term commitment. With this type of cloud computing, the cloud provider manages the core components of the server, including hard drives, storage, and networking facilities. The IaaS solution is offered by Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Oracle Cloud.

3. What are the benefits of cloud computing?

Moving your business operations into the cloud can impact you in many positive ways. Here are some of the key benefits of switching to a cloud computing framework:

3.1. Decreased need for hardware

Storing data in the virtual cyberspace decreases the need for specific hardware that is otherwise required for daily operations. This saves money, time, and effort.

3.2. Increased mobility

Since the data is stored on the internet cloud, anyone with permission can access it at any time, anywhere, and from any device. This boosts business resolution and efficiency, which explains why many small companies move to the cloud, making it easier to perform operations in real time even from a smartphone.

3.3. Higher employee and customer satisfaction

Cloud computing decreases the need for specialized heavy equipment, increasing mobility and allowing workers to perform missions more freely. With all the data needed during a work day stored safely in the cloud, employees can stay updated with co-workers and clients no matter where they are. This way, your workforce feels more empowered and fulfilled with their work environment. When employees are confident and proficient at work, overall customer satisfaction increases.

3.4. More detailed insights

Cloud-based solutions usually offer detailed analytics of your data. With all the information kept and updated in the same place, cloud computing systems can implement tracking mechanisms that create customized performance reports to evaluate your business.

3.4. Easier maintenance

Cloud computing frameworks automate regular system updates directly on the virtual server itself, rather than on each employee’s device. The IT department saves critical time with automatized and virtual updates.

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Understanding what is cloud framework in different types of cloud structures

3.5. Boosted disaster recovery

When data is stored on multiple servers, information can be transferred across servers in case one of them experiences technical issues. This solution makes it easy for cloud computing services to minimize crisis impact, prevent service loss, and promote business continuity.

4. What is cloud software examples?

There are several common software programs that we hear about often such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Dropbox, Apache, and Microsoft Azure. When we break it down by type of cloud software, some of the well-known examples include the following.


  • Software-as-a-Service (Saas): ViiBE
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas): Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (Paas): Apache Stratos
  • File Sharing + Data Storage: Google Workspace
  • Big Data Analysis: Cloudera
  • Cybersecurity: Qualys

5. Conclusion

By storing your data in one place and making it easy to retrieve at any time, a cloud computing framework makes your business operations remote, efficient, and secure. Whether you go for a public, private, or hybrid cloud, and whether you focus on making software your main service, or prefer to rely on performance, cloud computing brings many benefits, allowing you to differentiate yourself from the industry.

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