How to build a good company culture

How to build a good company culture

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Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.

Companies are striving to establish a great company culture for their employees. In today’s competitive market, headhunters could simply reach out to high performers in the company and offer them a salary raise to switch over to a competitor. This would result in the loss of outstanding talent for the business, and the company would have to spend additional resources to hire people and train them.

1. Employee retention

1.1. What is employee retention and why is it important?

The ability of a business to retain personnel is referred to as employee retention. Employee retention methods are essential for attracting and retaining top talent while also reducing employee turnover costs. This increases company performance and efficiency because keeping a qualified employee is less expensive than hiring a new employee and training him to perform the same task.

Empl. retention
Employee retention is essential for maintaining top talent and reducing turnover costs

1.2. What are 7 key drivers of employee retention?

Employees leave companies when they are unhappy with the work environment, they do not feel recognized for their work, or if they are not adequately rewarded etc. Businesses may conduct exit interviews to determine the causes of high levels of employee turnover. Businesses must take into account the following factors while developing employee retention strategies and improving the organization’s culture.


  1. Work schedule flexibility 

Employees today place an emphasis on flexibility in their work schedules, preferring to choose when and where they work. Employers must accept that the world is changing and that they must adapt to the new job market. Part-time and full-time employees with family problems, as well as new parents, would benefit from the ability to work remotely. Working from home would allow them to better manage their personal lives, which would be a crucial element in their retention.


  1. Opportunities for personal development 

Employers should make an effort to give opportunities for their employees’ professional development, such as training and assisting them in transitioning to newer roles that will allow them to learn new abilities. It promotes a growth culture and increases employee engagement


  1. Health and wellness benefits 

Individuals today are health conscious and would appreciate their employers’ efforts towards promoting physical and mental health. Employers could provide group health and life insurance for employees and their families, and also look into means of reducing mental stress faced by employees.


  1. Higher salaries 

High compensation isn’t the only way to keep employees, and employees have other requirements as well; nevertheless, companies must pay market-rate wages. To boost work satisfaction and lower turnover rates, employers should offer market salaries and then supplement them with extra benefits.

  1. Work life balance 

In order to be efficient at work, employees must maintain a healthy work-life balance. Companies must implement successful policies that are tailored to their specific needs. For example, in France, certain policies have been drafted to respect employees’ right to disconnect, stating that employees cannot be contacted outside of working hours.


  1. Reward top performers 

Top performers should be recognized and rewarded for their efforts in order for them to feel appreciated and motivated to continue with the company.


  1. Effective communication

Employees frequently change employment as a result of unhappiness with their bosses. Managers and senior leaders must be trained in order to communicate effectively with their employees and improve the managing culture. Inclusive leadership styles may be adopted to incorporate diverse attitudes and behaviors.

2. Employee satisfaction

2.1. What is meant by employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is a broad term that refers to how happy employees are in their jobs. It assesses if employees’ wants and needs are being addressed in the workplace. Employee satisfaction and engagement are not the same.


It is critical to maintain employee satisfaction. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to go the additional mile. Team members often interact with other people, and are able to influence others opinion which would help create the desired culture. Unsatisfied employees, on the other hand, are shown to put less effort into their jobs and are less likely to submit innovative ideas. Disgruntled employees may go so far as to sabotage the company’s success in severe situations.

Empl. satisfaction
Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more iikely to go the additional mile.

2.2. What are 5 best practices for job satisfaction?

The following are 5 of the best practices that businesses can use to boost employee job satisfaction.


  1. Take feedback from employees 

Conduct an employee satisfaction survey to assess existing levels of satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.


  1. Create a positive work environment

Employees’ feelings are influenced by their professional work environments. Employees are more motivated in a positive organizational culture where they see a culture fit. Open communication, trust, and creating equal opportunity in the workplace can all help to create a strong company culture.


  1. Improve communication across all levels 

Communication must be enhanced at all levels of the firm, from employees to managers to executives. Employees must have the freedom to speak up and express their concerns without fear of punishment from their bosses.


  1. Set up an employee recognition program

Employees must be praised for their accomplishments in order to feel fulfilled. They must also be compensated in order for the organization to recognize and appreciate their achievements. Employees feel valued within the organization when they are recognized for their work. Gift certificates to public recognition of the employee’s accomplishment could be among the rewards.


  1. Reduce micromanagement and manage tight deadlines 

Managerial micromanagement contributes to a stressful work environment and a poor employee experience. Rather than micromanaging specific details, managers should empower staff with duties and then hold them accountable for the task. 

3. Performance management process

Performance management is a systematic procedure by which a firm can assess the performance of its employees by establishing individual and team goals that are consistent with the company’s strategic objectives. Performance management is a continuous process that involves both managers and employees providing feedback and interacting.

Performance management process
Performance management is a continuous project that involves both managers and employees providing feedback and incteracting

3.1. What are the 3 stages of performance management?

The stages of performance management are i. Planning, ii. Coaching and iii. Reviewing.


  1. Planning stage

Managers and HR workers must establish clear short- and long-term objectives, as well as specify how they will be reached. The SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based principles must be used in the goal-setting process. The managers would then meet with each employee to establish specific goals; this process must be interactive and collaborative. The employee must understand why certain goals are being set and must agree with them.


  1. Monitoring stage

Throughout the year, performance should be tracked on a cyclical basis. Managers should meet with staff once or twice a month to review their performance, offer assistance, and adjust goals as needed. It is critical to hold regular meetings in order to understand the concerns that the employee is facing and to enable for a speedy resolution of issues.


  1. Reviewing stage

At the end of the year, HR, management, and employees must meet to share feedback and reviews on the process. They can assess if the goals were properly set, whether the employee received the necessary assistance throughout the process, and how the process could be improved. Employee experience may be leveraged to further improve.


Managers must also recognize and reward personnel who have achieved their goals. The employee could be rewarded with a raise in compensation, a one-time incentive etc.

3.2. What are the benefits of performance management?

Employee performance and productivity can be improved by using the performance management cycle. Workers’ morale is boosted since they are involved in the collaborative process and their opinion is considered throughout the cycle. Managers can use the management process to conduct performance appraisals and identify talent for higher-level promotions within the company.  

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