Salesforce integration: Why you should add ViiBE in Salesforce?

ViiBE integration in Salesforce

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ViiBE has joined Salesforce integration’s listing and is now available for Salesforce users by downloading it in a few clics directly from Salesforce’s Marketplace. Salesforce CRM has been founded in 1999 in San Francisco that has been tailored to improve communication between companies and their customers for support or sales intentions. By integrating Salesforce, ViiBE has joined the list of available tools in the Salesforce marketplace. It is now possible to download ViiBE directly from Salesforce’s integrated marketplace in order to use its different functionalities.


By downloading ViiBE directly from the Salesforce marketplace, ViiBE’s visuall assistance call module is integrated directly into Salesforce CRM. No need to download anything nor to create an account, ViiBE’s functionalities are accessible from the CRM interface immediately. Salesforce has decided to add ViiBE solution because it represents a great addition to its existing functionalities, as it allows users to start or schedule a video call with their customers, operators, providers, and colleagues without asking them to download any application. The Salesforce user can decide to switch to a video sale or support call when an old-fashioned phone call is not enough, the interlocutor will receive a link by mail or by text message and will be able to access the video call without downloading anything.

Using video during a remote interaction is a great way to get more information, as an image is worth 1000  words and helps to have a more humane conversation. The next step is that ViiBE allows its users to archive all interactions within their CRM tool, encouraging knowledge-sharing through a ticketing system. In this article, we explain in detail, the advantages of live video support for a business, as well as ViiBE’s functionalities, integrated into Salesforce CRM.

support and sales team

1. Why should Salesforce users integrate ViiBE visual support solution in their CRM?

The change in the work conditions has led to an increased need for remote work. Indeed, It becomes clear that the maximum number of workers should be able to execute their tasks from home. This is why many specific tasks such as technical support or emergency assistance really highlighted the need for technological visual tools. Looking at the correlation between the democratization of connected devices and the fact that a good internet connection is more accessible than ever. It becomes clear that a live visual assistance tool should become a must for any company, Salesforce has understood this and has integrated ViiBE’s visual support solution into its marketplace.

Using video during a remote interaction is a great way to get more information, as an image is worth 1000  words and helps to have a more humane conversation. The next step is that ViiBE allows its users to archive all interactions within their CRM tool, encouraging knowledge-sharing through a ticketing system. In this article, we explain in detail, the advantages of live video support for a business, as well as ViiBE’s functionalities, integrated into Salesforce CRM.

ViiBE helps your team during the whole life cycle of your company product or service, for example as a presale, after-sale, and maintenance or tool.

1.1. Live visual assistance for your support or maintenance team :

The assistance team always has to give support to its customers, providers, or team members. Live video assistance is a great tool for support teams to help them provide the best directions possible. The ability to have the video feed meanwhile you give technical support allows the assistance team to have a more precise idea of the problem needing support, which allows them to provide better assistance.

In addition to providing help for the assistance team, live video support is also a great tool for the maintenance team as it offers them the possibility to use a live image feed during remote inspections as well as operative or preventive maintenance operations.

1.2. But also for your sales team:

Finally, live video calls integrated into Salesforce is also a great asset for sales teams as they can use it as a pre-sale ally to better showcase the quality of their services and product. They can also use ViiBE’s tool to share their screen or look at the interlocutor’s screen in order to highlight the specific advantages of their services or product.

This is a real advantage as the salesperson now has the ability to switch from a meeting or phone call to a specifically tailored assistance video tool in which all the functionalities have been tailored exactly to match those needs.

One of those functionalities is the screen sharing feature:

2. The advantages of ViiBE screen sharing functionality in Salesforce integration

Live video support is a great asset as it allows to have the image along with the sound. However, the screen sharing option in Salesforce is also a great tool to increase productivity while saving some time.

Indeed, having access to your collaborator’s screen is a great way to understand their situation, and obviously, to demonstrate your way of doing something which can be a best practice if this is linked to your own expertise.

This functionality is a great time-saving tool as it helps you get immediate information regarding the root of a problem. Sometimes, a small issue can be spotted by having a look at the exact way your interlocutor is executing a task. When one step is not fully done, or one error is made, the interlocutor might have no clue where the issue comes from.  You should also be more effective as there is no need for verbal descriptions; It is better to show an issue than to describe it, the same thing with the solution.

This functionality is more impressive when you know how easy it is to launch a ViiBE call. No need for any download nor account registration, you can reach your customer, lead, or anyone directly from your Salesforce account.

3. Why is ViiBE no download feature so important for Salesforce?

One of the greatest frustration from the rise of technologies in our lives is the accumulation of solutions that we need to download on our devices. Every solution wants to register your data and get you to download their app, from there, the application can send you push notifications, follow your location and have a new touch point with you. This is an issue for many people and the frustration is real when a solution asks you to create an account and download an application, even more, if you are not sure if you will need this solution again in the future. It takes energy and most importantly time as well as space in your device memory.

Salesforce has chosen to integrate ViiBE in its marketplace also because of its ability to contact anyone without the need to download an application nor to create a personal account. Your interlocutor will receive a link in his or her email address or phone number, this notification will invite him or her to join the video call through his or her browser. ViiBE’s WebRTC technology is focusing its effort on offering a frictionless experience to Salesforce users so that they can connect with their contact in an immediate and painless way.

4. Special ability to share files before, during or even after a video call

The preparation for a video call is different from an “in-person” meeting in many ways. The way to take notes and prepare the document differs a lot. Then, ViiBE has developed a file transfer functionality within Salesforce allowing the possibility to transfer images such as JPEG, PNG, or GIF, but also PDF documents at different stages of the interaction. Any participant is able to download a file before a call, in the situation where you schedule a meeting or even seconds before joining in the virtual meeting room. All the participants will have access to the selected and registered documents. The ability to share the documents before the call offers you the ability to join in the call from a different location, using a computer, tablet, or phone.

Obviously, you can always share a file during the call if you need to give additional information. Finally, even when a call is over, you can find the archived documents and also have the possibility to add new ones after the call. This is an interesting option as it allows the participants to access any updates directly within the ViiBE ticket.

However, the transferred files are not the only source of information available in ViiBE archives integrated into Salesforce CRM.

5. ViiBE Archiving system integrated into Salesforce, how to enrich your CRM archives.

Any live-in-person conversation has a lot to offer, going beyond notes and documents. There are also emotional and personal impressions due to human interaction. This information would be really hard to gather during a phone call or a chat conversation. Of course, you can have a specific impression with the tone of voice or the emojis. But having video archives is offering you much more information. You can get the exact idea regarding the state of mind of each participant and the live reaction. ViiBE integrated into Salesforce allows you to archive those kinds of information within your CRM along with the other CRM information.

Once connected to Salesforce, you have access to participant feedbacks, like for example the end-of-call ratings, comments, the saved video interaction (if everyone gave the consent to be registered), and their opinion regarding the call quality. It is then possible to have a look at it later or ask for someone else’s opinion to learn from your mistakes or gather the best practices.

Indeed, this information is usually hard to gather after physical meetings or phone calls, the impressions on the spot can sometimes be misleading and a second look later, once the deal is signed or broken, for example, can teach you a lot regarding the ways the interaction actually went. This data is also available in each user’s dashboard and is a great data metric to see the evolution of your collaborator’s satisfaction. Indeed, you can have an idea of your customer or colleague’s point of you after each touchpoint. That way, you can also foresee weak signals indicating an emerging problem that could become a serious matter in the near future, and deserve specific attention.

ViiBE’s archiving system in Salesforce also offers you the chance to access the video call recording in the situation where all participants have consented to be recorded. That way, you can analyze different aspects of the interactions later on with a clear head and ask for someone else’s opinion. In terms of ticket enrichment, ViiBE also allows the call participants to annotate any documents within Salesforce, which can later be downloaded with or without annotations. Thanks to those videos and annotations you can check a specific situation regarding a specific machine maintenance operation, for example, or be used for training purposes of a new employee.

Finally, it goes without saying that the fact that you can freely add new participants to a ViiBE ticket is a great tool to share the information gathered in a specific call.

share knowledge

6. Optimize your knowledge management thanks to the integration of ViiBE in Salesforce.

One main challenge for any big company is that the bigger you grow, the more difficult it becomes to align everyone’s actions for a common goal. Tasks repartition can become a real struggle and the follow-up of massive inter teams projects are hard to implement for the manager people.

Sharing Information and the creation of internal processes are determinants aspects to switch a failed project to a successful one in the long run. However, it is pretty complicated to manage such an operation if your colleagues work in different time zones with different cultures and habits, and if the teams working together do not share common objectives, goals, and vision.

If a company wants to ensure that each entity is collaborating effectively, then a monitoring process and achievement report are mandatory. Also called Knowledge Management, the idea of creating a knowledge base is a determinant element for all companies sectors, within and between each level.

To do so, you have to give your teams the ability to create and share their knowledge through a well-established system. This is mainly why CRM programs are heavily adopted within small and big corporations. Knowledge is power, from your customer to your machines and providers. The new trend for data collection is a great example highlighting the importance of knowledge collection from everything possible. However, in between colleagues, time is the core resource not to be wasted. Information and knowledge should be filtered and easily findable.

Today, many companies have chosen Salesforce for its ability to help different teams follow the advancement of their tasks as well as the ability to switch a ticket from a team to another once an action is needed from the other team. That way, the monitoring process is well-understood by everyone and the managers can follow with one eye while having time to focus on other goals than just team management. On the other hand, your teams should give the best service possible to their customers. Salesforce has decided to enrich its Knowledge base by integrating ViiBE solution into its marketplace and add video archives as well as all the other tailored-made collaborative tools to its existing ticketing system.

ViiBE allows you to archive valuable and complicated to gather information related to some remote interactions. The fact that you can add participants to a ticket and give them access to all files, participant opinions, and recorded video or chat conversations is adding a piece of unique information to the ticket.

ViiBE also has an integrated dashboard visualization including infographics and tabs to help you present or share insightful reports for your team and superiors.

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7. ViiBE value addition to Salesforce ticketing system

Salesforce ticketing system is one of the best ways to divide your customer base or different process into categories allowing you to provide an effective follow-up. Many companies use it to gather data such as the contact details, the milestones or the next steps into blocks, thus optimizing the workflow accessibility. A well-understood ticketing system is one of the most important factors for a company.

A ticketing system can ask for a team or another to take action at one step of the customer life cycle for example. The sales team has prospected a new lead, which converted into a customer in a free trial period, then, a customer success manager can take action, by receiving the responsibility of the customer ticket, to make sure that the customer is using the product or service effectively and without pending doubts or questions. Once this customer has signed a middle-long term contract, then its ticket will go to an account executive.

Then, let’s imagine that this customer is experiencing some issues with the product or service. Then the support team will get the notification. This ticket is supposed to gather information regarding the customer’s needs and opinions at each step of the process. The support team has all the necessary information to understand properly the ways to solve the customer issue. The ticket can continue to travel here and there forever.

This highlights pretty well the importance of a correct ticketing process. From a managerial monitoring point of view to an ease of use by the operational team.


Salesforce has integrated ViiBE ticketing system in order to provide a new kind of information base to its users: the video call archives.


It is a very effective way to gather all the information in one location. 

8. Conclusion

To conclude, Salesforce has become an all-in-one solution for a company of all sizes. Mainly focusing on customer satisfaction and sales process, Salesforce is a very popular solution for processes and monitoring optimization. The depth of the information available within its CRM tickets is greatly appreciated, and the integration of ViiBE’s video support solution has added an even higher value proposition for all Salesforce users. ViiBE’s accessibility within the Salesforce marketplace is one of a kind as it only a few clicks to download to add the visual assistance button allowing the employees to video call their customers, collaborators, or providers.

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